Our values are:

Integrity: we are open, honest, ethical and genuine.

Robust science: is better to do one thing really, really well.

Resilience: we are not afraid to fail, we reach beyond boundaries and experiment; we focus on important biological questions and all else will follow.

Logic: the Universe is built on logic patterns; we expect neurons follow similar rules and we want to identify them.

Impact: we always keep in mind the effects neurodegeneration has on people and animals alike; we work to bring discovery to a level that can be used to inform on disease management and treatment.

Innovation: if there is a question there will always be a solution. We use our creativity to explore original ideas that could deliver such solutions.

Passion: we use our drive and commitment to engage and inspire others.

Equality and diversity: independent of our gender, our national origin, our colour, the way we walk or talk, we share a common goal to do good.